
Thursday, April 24, 2008

My 2nd year of university is officially over (even though I am going to be taking a semester during the summer). My last day ended on a high note, with the presentation of the above image in my Marketing Applications class. It was a group presentation of the strategy we choose to use in a simulation we had to do throughout the class. It was the second group presentation we had presented in this class. The first was very serious and business orientated. Where the second was to be as far away from the first as possible. I wanted to go for the extra-creative and blow the class away with something completely new and unexpected.

We decided to use a PowerPoint presentation to present our points, but with a twist. The above cartoon was our intro. Picture this. The first slide with just the word "Hi.". The second slide with a 3 second countdown, 3, 2, 1. The third a blank slide, with music, then the cartoon figure (me) on the far left pops up, then the cartoon figure on the far right pops up, then the character to the left, then right, and then finally the character in the middle. Lastly the Tricera logo slowly swirls from the distance into its final place above our group. When it came to presenting our points the cartoon of the person speaking at the time would pop up with a speech bubble to go with it.  Below is a video to get a feeling of what the PowerPoint looked like. Unfortunately PowerPoint won't save the effects and music used in the video, so remember the above and think of it would appear.

It took my a couple of hours to do all the drawings and the shading of each of my group members, but I am very proud as to how it came out. It definitely got the attention of the class when we presented it, and we got the highest mark we could get on the creativity portion of the marking! I could get used to doing stuff like this.

1 comment:

Susan said...

looks great ! very cool !

love ya ! Just checking my email and then back to housecleaning for my company MLou who arrives tomorrow ... should be able to ichat with you by mid week.

xo, S.

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